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Office Joke


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4 cannibals that got hired by the software development firm at the height of the outsourcing craze. The boss looks the 4 of them up and down and says "Well, I guess we need the staff. You guys can get started straight away, and please note that we have a company-sponsored cafeteria with unlimited free food, so you guys need not eat any of our other staff as manpower is short."


A few weeks go past and the cannibals seem to be getting alone just fine, no complaints about their work from their team leader, and the status quo has been maintained. Nevertheless he decides to pop in one day and ask them how they are getting on.


"So guys, how's it going?"


The 4 of them all nod and grunt approval.


"Ok, that's great. By the way, did any of you see the cleaning lady today?"


The 4 of them shake their heads.


"That's fine. I'll just keep looking" says the boss and moves on.


As soon as the boss is out of earshot one of the cannibals whips around and asks the other 3 "OK, which one of you jerks ate the cleaning lady?"


One of them bashfully raises his hand.


"YOU MORON! For 6 weeks we have been eating software developers, 'business transformation architects', consultants, business leaders, project managers, and NOBODY has noticed. Now you have to eat the ONLY person in this office who does any REAL work, and STRAIGHT AWAY, they notice!!"



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