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Need The Keyboard Shortcuts For Psp?


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Here you go...


I believe the actual completeion of this list was done during earlier versions, like 9... but alot of the commands are the same.


The couple x2 that i know of that have changed i added.


Hope this helps!


Angela N



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Terrific job, Angela! What a lot of work. As a confimed clicker, I don't normally use many keyboard shortcuts, so you can imagine my amazement when I learned (just a couple of weeks ago) that merely typing a "B" with my free left hand would summon up a Brush!


Now I'll run down your list and see what other shortcuts I can do with a single left hand stroke!


Thank you, thank you!

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Thank you Angela! I do use some shortcuts like ctrl-L to add a copied picture or whatnot from the clipboard to a new layer. I also use shift-D to copy an exact photo so I don't have to use the original. Copy and paste is same as normal :)

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I love using keyboard shortcuts. It can save a lot of time in word processing programs and I'm in the habit, so I use them a lot with PSP. This is a great list! Thanks!

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I've been hearing you all talk about the keyboard shortcuts now for quite a bit and have been thinking to myself that I need to investigate that further ... Thanks Angela for making this easier! I have a few that I use but wow this is a whole lot! Now commmitting them to memory ... do you have a shortcut for that?? LOL

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