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Font Sizes For 8X8 And 12X12 Printing

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I am almost finished with my daughters baby book and want to have it printed by Shutterfly. I haven't printed any of my digital layouts yet and am not sure what size to make the fonts for easy reading, but still look nice. I also cannot decide whether to make the books 8x8 or 12x12. Any suggestions?

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I don't pay too much attention to what size type I'm using as I work. I generally just make the text a size that I think looks good on the layout. I've printed out several 12x12s but none of them had much journaling on them. What you could do is take a 12x12 layout that has journaling that you think will be the right size and then reduce the size to 8x8 and print it out at home. If it's good to go at 8x8, you know it will be readable at 12x12. I know some people have been surprised at how large their text looks when printed out compared to how it looks on the screen. Another thing that you could do is select an area of text from your 12x12 that would be small enough to print on your home printer, copy it and then paste it into a new file and print that at 100%. It will be more difficult to assess the text without it's surroundings, but it might give you an idea if it is readable or if you think it will look too large. I hope that all makes sense.

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Pat has an excellent summary...I would add also that it depends on the font. Some fonts are way smaller than others at the same size. Another trick for printing at home would be to hide all the layers except the text, or copy the text layer ONLY onto a new document and print it 8 x 8 onto scrap paper at home to check sizing.



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Just adding my "ditto" to what Pat and Cheri have already said. I did find though that when I sent something to Shutterfly that when my book came back my fonts looked much smaller than they did on my layouts - I don't know why - I sent it back and they re-worked it and it came back fine.

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