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Changing Dpi In Pse 11

B&K Mom

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I've finally completed a LO in PSE 11and was hoping to post it today. But when I went to change the Resolution of my page to 72 ppi, BIG PROBLEM! Here's the story.


Opened 300 ppi jpg LO in PSE (EXPERT) (3600 x3600 pixels)


-Went to IMAGE >> RESIZE>> IMAGE SIZE - everything looked fairly normal there to me.

-Constrain Proportions checked BUT greyed out??? Width(12 in)-Height(12in)-Resolution(300ppi) linked with little link symbol greyed out too.

-Changed Resolution to 72ppi here


There is no option to change the width/height to PIXELS like I used to have. So what do I do now? The Width/Height can be changed, but they are linked to the Resolution...so it never "really" changes the dimensions down as I have done in the past.


I'm sure there's a way to do this. What am I missing (part of my brain?)? PLEASE HELP!!



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