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Layer Style On Top Of Color?


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I'm creating a book cover and wanted to layer a style, like life paper (plain tan color with texture) on top of the blue cover to give it that papery texture, but keep the blue the same. For the life of me I can't figure out how to keep that blue color. When I apply the style to the entire surface and go into styles and change the opacity, it turns light blue. Help Please.

Leslie Ann

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Hi there! I might not be understanding you correctly but sometimes the best way to solve this kind of problem is to simplify the layer you added the style to, duplicate it and use OVERLAY blend mode or multiply?? Then you can adjust the opacity?

And welcome to Scrap Girls!! I think you caught our U.S. Scrapgirls asleep lol :-) you will get other suggestions once people start waking up :-)

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I haven't tried Jody's technique, but I have encountered the problem I think you're describing. What I found usually works is to duplicate the layer on which I want the style, and apply the style to the top layer only, then blend them, or adjust opacity. Try both, and see which works for you. Good luck!

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Welcome Leslie Ann!


Maybe I need this clarified, but it sounds like you are layering paper from a kit and not necessarily styles. If the top layer does have styles applied to it, you will see an fx symbol on the layer. I'm not sure what program you are using, but in Photoshop you are able to drag the fx symbol on a layer to move any applied styles to another layer (or press Control before you click and drag to copy the layer styles). If you are layering paper, then Jody's suggestion of changing the blend mode is what you will need to do. However, keep in mind that changing the blend mode is dealing with light and dark, so it will change the color of the underlying layer to a degree.


Does this make sense?


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Okay, there may be more, but these are some of my favorites:


ScrapSimple Tools - Styles: Paint Textures 6301

ScrapSimple Tools - Styles: So Basically Textures 6401

Action Pack: Ultimate Artist (the styles are gorgeous on a plain fill too)

ScrapSimple Tools - Styles: Artful Canvas 6401

ScrapSimple Tools - Styles: Painting Textures 8501 (more of an oil paint look but very cool)

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All those links make me salivate, and the action pack is stunning. I'm going to see if there are others. More reasons to love ScrapGirls.

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  • 1 month later...

Learning, Learning...I still have trouble getting color on the styles. I use paint bucket, but can't I paint with a brush as well? Like Holiday in Lights, get the snow just in specific areas? I need a good class in styles...do we have classes?

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Okay, so after reading more, it seems that the styles that are gray...like a paper or something can have color added. Others not? I was trying to add color to Syndee N's new letterpress pack and there is a texture that is a pattern overlay in a color already, I can add a color overlay to it, but it never seems to be the right color.


Anyway, if a bubble or a glass style or something that has color associated it with it already, there is little I can to do change that color, right?

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Have you tried adding a new colour layer on top of the item?

In Photoshop CS5 (am I correct in thinking that's what you're using?) open a new layer above the item to be recoloured. Change the blend mode to color and clip the layer (cntrl alt G) to the item you want recoloured. Now just paint whatever colour you fancy, adjusting the opacity if necessary. Hope that helps

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There are some styles than can have their color modified - Syndee Nuckles Sanded Edge is one. http://store.scrapgirls.com/scrapsimple-tools-styles-sanded-edge-6301-p8582.php#


The original set includes black and white. By clicking on the fx attached to the applied style layer, you have access to tools that allow you to change the color - at least in Elements 10. I don't think this solves your current dilemma, but it's useful to know.

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Can you paint on a style? If so, how.


Like on Holiday in Lights Style, the pine cone seems have the style painted on. I was going to paste in the SS styles image, but it won't let me .http://store.scrapgirls.com/scrapsimple-tools-styles-holiday-in-lights-8501-p17158.php

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Hey ScrappyJan, Yes I have and the layer color isn't the color I originally chose. I've gone into layers to fix it, no good. I'm still working on it, b/c I think it's really important to understand this basic. I haven't done the clip layer thing, so will try that now.


Thanks for answering. I really appreciate it.

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Lesann, welcome--I'm in Colorado, too.


Some styles have color as part of their property, others do not. Styles can affect a whole range of properties: color, pattern, texture, shadows, inner & outer glows, etc. This means some styles can combine with other layers or other styles, and others do not. You just have to play with any given style. If the style you're applying is primarily texture, and you want the color below to show, here's one way to do it:


CTRL + Select the layer palette thumbnail of the object that's in color (book cover in your case.) You should see the "marching ants" border. Now create another layer, just above it (CTRL + J.) The new layer will be the same shape and size. Apply the style to the new layer. Then, at the top of the layers palette, modify the blending mode and/or the opacity of the new layer. Overlay and Screen are good starting points, and I often bring the opacity down to 70 or 80%.


You can also apply the style to the book cover. Then CTRL + Select the cover thumbnail, and CTRL + J to create the new layer above it. Use the paint bucket in the color you want, and modify the blending modes and opacity. Sometimes it works better this way. There are still more ways to do this, but that's more than you want to know, I suspect.


Yes, you can modify the color in many styles, when you get more comfortable.


Hope this helps. I look forward to seeing your layout.

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Hi Barbara, thanks so much. It's a great learning curve and while it's often frustrating it's also mostly fun, unless I'm on deadline...BTW my latest book #1 in Amazon Holiday is set in Boulder :)


I'm also trying to see if I can paint a style on. I know it seems as if I see that done on some images, but it's possible there is a shape drawn on a separate layer, then filled. The pine cones in this style look like the ice has been painted on. http://store.scrapgi...8501-p17158.php

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