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Finish This Sentence Game


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Ok...I thought instead of playing another round of the question game, right after that one finished, we'd start a new game.  

The way this one is played:  I will start a sentence, the next person finishes the sentence I started, then starts a new sentence to be finished .

So for example my sentence might be:

Today I....

the next person comes in and answers:  went to the store

then starts a new sentence

For breakfast I ate...

The next person would answer what they had for breakfast and then start a new one

Make sense??   Ok the starting sentence is


This weekend I look forward to....

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Our weather today is ( has been about to go to bed) sunny and windy.

Tomorrow I will.... 

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Looking down at my feet I see.... I still have my slippers on so I need to soon leave this computer and get dressed for the day.  ( 8am Sunday here)

I have been thinking about doing.... 

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Right now I'm wearing... my very casual house clothes.

Yesterday I did not ...... 

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